SQL Server Numeric Data Types : cybexhosting.net

Hi there! If you’re reading this article, you’re probably interested in learning about SQL Server Numeric Data Types. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about SQL Server Numeric Data Types, including their characteristics, usage, and limitations. Let’s begin!

What are SQL Server Numeric Data Types?

SQL Server Numeric Data Types are a group of data types used to store numeric values in SQL Server. Numeric data types can hold integer or decimal values. SQL Server provides a variety of numeric data types to meet your needs. These data types differ in storage size and precision.

SQL Server Numeric Data Types Characteristics

Here is a table that shows the characteristics of SQL Server Numeric Data Types:

Data Type Storage Size (bytes) Precision (digits) Scale (digits)
bigint 8 19 0
int 4 10 0
smallint 2 5 0
tinyint 1 3 0
decimal(p,s) p+2 p s
numeric(p,s) p+2 p s
float(n) 4 or 8 15 or 53
real 4 7

Now, let’s discuss each of these data types in more detail.

The Bigint Data Type


The bigint data type is used to store large integer values. It has a storage size of 8 bytes and can hold values ranging from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.


The bigint data type is commonly used to store primary keys, foreign keys, and other unique identifiers in a database.


The main limitation of the bigint data type is its storage size, which can be a concern when dealing with large amounts of data.

The Int Data Type


The int data type is used to store integer values. It has a storage size of 4 bytes and can hold values ranging from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.


The int data type is commonly used to store numerical values such as quantities, counts, and indexes.


The main limitation of the int data type is its storage size. It may not be sufficient when dealing with extremely large numbers or when dealing with large amounts of data.

The Smallint Data Type


The smallint data type is used to store small integer values. It has a storage size of 2 bytes and can hold values ranging from -32,768 to 32,767.


The smallint data type is commonly used to store numerical values that don’t require a large amount of storage, such as indices and counters.


The main limitation of the smallint data type is its limited storage size. It may not be sufficient when dealing with large amounts of data.

The Tinyint Data Type


The tinyint data type is used to store very small integer values. It has a storage size of 1 byte and can hold values ranging from 0 to 255.


The tinyint data type is commonly used to store Boolean values or other small integer values that don’t require a large amount of storage.


The main limitation of the tinyint data type is its limited storage size. It may not be sufficient when dealing with large amounts of data.

The Decimal and Numeric Data Types


The decimal and numeric data types are used to store precise decimal values. They have a user-defined precision and scale, where precision is the number of digits that can be stored and scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.


The decimal and numeric data types are commonly used to store currency values, percentages, and other values that require precision.


The main limitation of the decimal and numeric data types is their storage size. They can take up a significant amount of storage when compared to other data types, which can be a concern when dealing with large amounts of data.

The Float Data Type


The float data type is used to store floating-point values. It has a variable storage size of either 4 or 8 bytes and can hold values ranging from -1.79E+308 to 1.79E+308.


The float data type is commonly used to store numerical values that require a high degree of precision, such as scientific data or financial data.


The main limitation of the float data type is its variable storage size, which can make it difficult to predict the amount of storage required.

The Real Data Type


The real data type is used to store floating-point values. It has a storage size of 4 bytes and can hold values ranging from -3.40E+38 to 3.40E+38.


The real data type is commonly used to store numerical values that require a moderate degree of precision, such as scientific data or financial data.


The main limitation of the real data type is its limited storage size, which may not be sufficient when dealing with extremely large numbers or when dealing with large amounts of data.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between the decimal and numeric data types?

There is no difference between the decimal and numeric data types. Both data types are used to store precise decimal values and have user-defined precision and scale.

2. What is the maximum value that can be stored in the bigint data type?

The maximum value that can be stored in the bigint data type is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

3. What is the storage size of the float data type?

The storage size of the float data type is either 4 or 8 bytes.

4. What is the main limitation of the tinyint data type?

The main limitation of the tinyint data type is its limited storage size, which may not be sufficient when dealing with large amounts of data.

5. When should I use the decimal or numeric data types?

You should use the decimal or numeric data types when you need to store precise decimal values, such as currency values or percentages.

6. What is the difference between the float and real data types?

The float and real data types are used to store floating-point values, but the float data type has a variable storage size of either 4 or 8 bytes, while the real data type has a fixed storage size of 4 bytes.

7. What is the maximum value that can be stored in the int data type?

The maximum value that can be stored in the int data type is 2,147,483,647.

8. What is the storage size of the smallint data type?

The storage size of the smallint data type is 2 bytes.

9. What is the main limitation of the float data type?

The main limitation of the float data type is its variable storage size, which can make it difficult to predict the amount of storage required.

10. What is the storage size of the tinyint data type?

The storage size of the tinyint data type is 1 byte.

We hope that this article has been helpful in providing you with a better understanding of SQL Server Numeric Data Types. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to consult the documentation provided by Microsoft or seek assistance from a SQL Server expert. Thank you for reading!

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